Eartha M.M. White Collection


Eartha M.M. White Collection

Items in the Eartha M.M. White Collection Collection

Eartha White with delegates of the City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Jacksonville
Eartha White with delegates of the City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Jacksonville, state meeting, Palatka, Florida.

20th Annual Convention of Northeastern Federation of Women's Clubs, Boston, Massachusetts.
Twentieth anniversary of the North Eastern Federation of Women's Clubs Boston, Massachusetts. Held at A.M.E. Zion Church. Eartha White, seated, front row, third from left.

Mrs. Margaret Murray Washington with the Women of City Federation of Colored Women's Clubs
Photograph: In front of Bethel Baptist Institutional Church. Eartha White on right.

Advertising flyer for Bessie Coleman flight.
The advertising card describes the anticipated enjoyment spectators would feel watching “an aerial frolic” performed by Bessie Coleman. This card can be found in the Eartha M.M. White Collection.

The Elite Circle and Girls DeLuxe…